Wednesday, June 25, 2008

First comes baby, then comes marriage??

I am conservative. I am not a prude, and not (too) judgmental. I know being 27 and conservative is neither cool nor popular in the media, but I feel good in the fact that I have a strong sense of what is right and wrong. Not everyone agrees with me but at least I will stand for something. None of this, "Oh, there is no "right" way of doing something." B.S. Everyone thinks they know the right way. So be proud of your belief whatever it is.

I don't understand why there has been this reversal of matrimonial order. Charlotte Church (22) is expecting her second child with her rugby boyfriend. Here she is quoted on

"I want all my babies by the time I'm 32, so then I can have everything done," she said. "We want to have our babies young and then I'm going to get married and look fabulous for that."

Look. I understand if you don't want to get married. I understand if you want to pull a Brangelina. I may not agree, but I get it. But why have babies, and plan on getting married afterwards? Built-in flower girls? What couple do you know that says after being married 50 years, "yeah, things have been good, but I sure wish we'd had kids first and waited a good ten years?"

Holding off on the commitment of marriage if it is something you intend to do means only one thing. You don't understand what marriage really means.

And yes, because it irritated me, I chose to post an unflattering picture of her.


betterthanhuman said...

"yeah, things have been good, but I sure wish we'd had kids first and waited a good ten years?"

That part made me laugh.
It's totally true.

I'm 27 and my son just turned 1. My wife and I just celebrated our 7th anniversary last yesterday.

Vincent Do said...

I'm politically socially liberal (live and let live) and personally conservative (concerning my own life), and I can't help but chuckle at this seemingly backwards decision to get married AFTER having children.