Friday, June 13, 2008

What does "feminist" mean anymore?

I'm not sure. But a friend of mine is attempting to find out through a series of questions posed to a forum of women, aged 22-30. She's taking a look at what it means to be a woman now, where we came from, and how our generation differs from the Facebook-reading, cellphone-texting, gossip-blogging one that seems to be coming up.

HH, if you're reading this, I think it'll be interesting to look at the generation that preceded us. Not just our mothers, but the women who really remember New Kids on the Block from their high school/college years (rather than elementary/middle).

If she starts posting soon, I'd love to link this to her site as well.

1 comment:

Daisy said...

Yay! I love all this talk. I think the word feminist has been so abused that you can't really use it anymore. I hate saying it, but there isn't another word. I don't mean the feminist of yore burning her bra and saying womyn, or the power shoulder pad working woman of the 80's. Hell, I don't know what I mean. I just mean some kind of ideal that women are taken seriously as equal humans. "Feminist" is like "liberal": they denote very bad things. And yet again, Hillary Clinton has taken the brunt of both, in her poor pantsuit. Hell, this is such a long comment I should just start bloggin about this.

But, as to your question! Next question up in our series will be on some older generaions. I just need to dig up some 35-40 year olds! Some 40-50 year olds, etc....