Sunday, June 8, 2008

That's cool, Junot?

This is probably old news to my more literate friends, but I was absolutely astounded by the story of Junot Diaz, the writer who won the 2008 Pulitzer Prize for fiction. I haven't read his book (though I think I will now), but he served as an inspiration. In the interview I saw, Diaz came across so human, so real, and so...well, normal.

I think some writers can get discouraged by the intimidating literati. It can be filled with so-called artistic types, who swill coffee and smoke cigarettes. (Yes, I know this is a cliched description, but cliches come from somewhere, and believe me, I've seen it.)

But the literary community is also composed of really normal people. That's encouraging. And also lifting my spirits is the fact that every writer seems to think their writing sucks. Even good writers. I can't count the number of workshops I been in when I am exceedingly jealous of someone else's rough draft. "Why didn't I think of that," is a common thought. And the person who wrote it thinks it's terrible. And not in that phony "aw, shucks" way.

So I take heart and feel inspired again Now if I can actually do anything with it...

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