Wednesday, February 13, 2008 American Shame

How many times does Ryan Seacrest have to plug the amazing talent pool of American Idol? It was so amazing that they cut 100 people from the Hollywood round last night.

I think I found the real key to what they mean by "talent." Here's how it works:

The contestant must dress as either a.) a complete nerd; b.) a utter freak; or c.) a total tramp. That way, when he or she (sometimes it's unclear which) gets up on stage, you form an allegedly misrepresented opinion of them based on the way they look. So, when they open their mouth to sing, it doesn't really matter what they sound like. Because either way, you'll think to yourself (or mutter aloud continuously throughout the program to the irritation of your companions), "Huh. They're actually not that bad."

So, next time you're dressing for a job interview, decide on one of the aforementioned guises (I'd recommend a or c). Hey, it works in Hollywood. Consider yourself on the cutting edge. And if it doesn’t work, you can always sue for ageism, racism, or looksism.

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