Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's just another manic Tuesday

Well, today is the second Tuesday in a row where I stopped to think to myself, “man, Tuesdays suck.”

Monday is what it is, you’re still rested from the weekend, and perhaps even energized to start the week. Wednesday is hump day. Thursday is almost Friday, and Friday is TGIF. What is Tuesday? Tuesday is the armpit of the week.

And here is what is dangerous about this day. I allow myself time to wallow. It’s time when I think, “what does it all mean?” And usually, I find that I need to discover my passion, that I want to quit my day job (which I actually don’t mind) and _______. The problem is, what I fill that blank in with varies from week to week. Sometimes it’s teaching at VCU again, sometimes it’s going back to school for my PhD, and sometimes it’s just writing freelance and tutoring.

What I have discovered, though, is that prior to tossing my substantial benefits and 401k to the wind, I’d better be sure that I’m running cross country, not just around a track.

1 comment:

Daisy said...

Very much agreed.