Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Here is when my favorite moment from this season's "American Idol" began:

Paula: "Oh gosh, we've never had to write these things down ... fast enough," she began, sounding like her usual self (somewhere between manic and "thank you, sir, may I have another"). "Jason, first song, I loved hearing your lower register, which we never really hear, um ... ."

And that's where the show started to have meaning for me again.

"The second song, I felt like your usual charm wasn't — it was missing for me. It kind of left me a little empty."

Which was awesome because Castro had only sung his first song. So I found myself (literally) stating to my LCD, "There's only been one song! There's only been one song! This is great because there's only been one song!"

I was torn between my usual glee, and feeling very awkward for her. It must make for a very messy personal life, but it sure does make good TV.

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